Surely he was a saint, a teacher, a person who planted the concept of self-respect, who strongly advocated the principle of equality and equality. The one who spoke about the commonwealth on that day.

His service to Vaishnavism is enough for thousands of years.

The period was a bit chaotic, the Chola government was weakened after Rajendra Chola.

There is no caste, there is education, there is equal rights, there is no sacrifice, there is only one God, the way shown by the Buddha, see peace and tranquility, there is no war, there is no fight, everyone is equal. .

That guru named Yadava Prakasar is a good guru. But his Advaita philosophy did not suit him and he surrendered to Nathamuni, who cleared his doubts and gave a philosophy called Vishitadvaita beyond the two principles of Dvaita and Advaita.

Vishitadvaitam is the treasure given to us by looking at both dvaitam and advaitam. Vishitadvaita is the philosophy that Narayana is the inner substance of life, non-life and the world.

Vishitadvaitam and Gita say the same thing that the Lord is omnipresent as Jivatma, Paramatma, worldly things, the moving and the non-moving, the visible and the invisible.

(It is Advaita to declare that the soul is one and the same as God. It is Dvaita to know that the soul is different. That is, if salt and water are separate, it is Dvaita, and if they are mixed together, it is Advaita.)

This Ramanuja's teachings gradually gained strength, he did not seem to have any hatred of Saivism but was firm in his principles, Vishitadvaita being his most adamant principle and defeating all in arguments with it.

He traveled all over India, Vaishnavism flourished because of him, he developed Vaishnavism wherever he went, not one or two achievements.

Adi Sankara spread Saivism and strove for the revival of Hinduism during the period when Buddhism was ruling all over India, and Ramanuja was the one who pushed Vaishnavism in his path.

Ramanuja's teachings, philosophies and his achievements are not easy to tell, they transcend a thousand folds. He lived for 120 years and worked for Vaishnavism for more than 100 years.

What a good Guru should be; He was right about how to bring all people to God, he did not see caste differences, it did not bother him. All the people were Narayana Amsa, who named them as "Thirukulathor" and included them in Vaishnavism.

It was these "Trikulats" that later became the reason and foundation for Gandhi to address the people as "Harijans".

It was that monk who first said that all people should get the right to enter the temple.

Ramanujar highlighted Tamil. Yes, in all the temples he worshiped or presided over, he ordered Tirupa to the four thousand Divya Prabandhams of the Azhwars to be sung. He made Tamil the language of worship and the primary language.

Ramanuja's greatest administrative achievement was that although he was an administrator in Thiruvaranga, he was a great source of power for all Vaishnava places in the South. The community hailed him as "the owner" because he gave very pure and good administration.

He had not an iota of administrative offense in him and was what a good monk should be.

God's grace was poured out on him. It flowed like the Kaveri as a philosophical river. It was not difficult for him to explain all the positions of God and His philosophy.

Sribhashyam, composed by him, is his masterpiece. Still his Vedanta Sangragam, a treatise on the Upanishads, Vedanta Saram and Vedanta Deepam, containing brief treatises on the Brahma sutras, are also excellent.

Gita Bhashyam is the greatest. It is Ramanuja's text based on the Vishitadvaita, and is one of the best texts on the Gita in Tamil.

It is a book of everyday Vedic rituals and worship methods called Nityakrandas, Katyatrayam, Sriranga Katyam, Vaikunda Katyam, Thirukkolaur Pen Pillai Syapayam are the best works.
Ramanuja's teachings, which made Vaishnavism flourish throughout the South, had a great impact on the North as well.

Ramananda started a revolution in Kashi by accepting Vishitadvaita and propagated Vaishnavism through many disciples like Kabir Dasara, Ravidasara etc.

Ravitasar was born in a family of shoemakers. Who was this person who was responsible for attracting Bhakta Meera to Vaishnavism?

Tulsidasar, a great devotee of Rama and a great reformer in North India, was attracted by the teachings of Ramanuja and strove to develop Vaishnavism.

The flame that Ramanuja lit was not ordinary, he came to light the greatest influence in the Vaishnava lineage, the Acharya Parampara; He came and perfected it.

It was this that made the great Afghan armies fight until the Nayak kings defeated them and crushed Aram here.

Arangan statue go back to Delhi, still around the jungles of Tamilnadu, forget
It was also the reason for Thiruvarangam to come as a surprise.

Ramanuja, who laid great foundations and built many buildings before India's turbulent period,

After the death of this Vaishnava chieftain, the route established by him was divided into Vadakalai-Tenkalai. Despite the separation, the place for him remains the same till date. The community that worshiped Ramanuja as Mahan while he was alive wanted to see him forever in the same kolam.

Thus, 3 Thirumeni images of him were created, the first one was made and kept in Melkottai, a town near Mysore, and this was done with the thought that when the statue of Arangan was preserved in Melkottai during the invasion of Tughlaq, the Vaishnava race and the image of Ramanuja should not be destroyed.

Second in Thiruperumbudur.

Thirdly, in Trichy Thiruvaranga, where he spent his last days, his Buddha body is kept with various types of herbs.

Human corpses are not allowed inside the temple, and only in Thiruvaranga has a person's samadhi status and body of Buddha been enshrined in the temple in Hindu history.

The reason is that the Achamuga accepted him as an incarnate son and gave him a permanent place. Even today in Trichy Thiruvaranga, the first puja is performed to Ramanuja, and the temple accounts are read out in front of him.

If he had made a great revolution, if he had touched people's hearts, this great status would have been given to him?

Yes, the things he did, the ways he taught, and the teachings he taught are timeless and timeless.

He is the one who easily told the great philosophical truths of the Hindu sect called Vaishnavism, why India needs it forever.

Tiruvadhirai Nakshatra day in Chitrai month, Ramanuja's birthday.

The revolution that Mahan has made here is great, and the charity he has done for Hinduism is as big as the ocean.

His charity for Tamil is as big as the sky.

His Gurunath preached a mantra to him and said, 'This is a mantra that reaches heaven, it should not be told to anyone.' Ramanuja ran and stood on the top of the Tirukoshtiyur tower and preached the mantra to everyone.

The enraged Guru said, 'Why did you do this? Denial of the Guru will send you to hell' he snarled, Ramanuja calmly said, "Guru! Since I am going to hell, won't all these go to heaven? That is enough."

Who would have such a mind? Who else but Ramanuja is possible?

This is why he has survived for so long, he is a history that everyone should read.

In this way, Ramanuja will remain forever
As long as the four thousand Divya Prabandhams and the hymns of the Azhwars are sung in temples, his contributions to Tamil and Tamil Bhakti work will live on in history.

Sankara, in the line of Madhwachari, people worship him who stood as a pillar and roof for the Vaishnavism of the Indian continent and made it prosper from time to time.

Many people have different opinions about Ramanuja's ideology. If you ask the artist, he will tell you a parable. Even the communists did not leave. So many! The role played by Ramanuja was immense. Mainly, for those who believed that swimming and getting a house was the end of hardships, he quoted the song of Alvars, "What is the fear of Naran's mercy?" He shouted.

Om Namo Narayana