Lord Vishnu has five states.






The first state Param is the state known as Paramapadam, Vaikuntam, Moksam or Nitya Vibhuti. 

It is located in a space beyond all worlds. Here Mahavishnu appears as Paravasudeva. Seated on the thousand-headed Adi Sesha, he is with the three goddesses Sridevi, Bhudevi and Nimandevi and the immortals known as the Nityasuris. The Nityasuris include the Ashta Dik Balas (Guards of the 4 directions), the 8 Dwarapalas (Gate Guards), Vishwaksena, etc.

This is the place where the blessed ones who reach Vaikuntam after the end of their earthly life arrive. 

God has six qualities. (As per Adi Shankara's Advaita philosophy, God is a Nirguna Brahma, an entity with no qualities. But as per Ramanuja's Visishtadwaita philosophy, God is Saguna Brahma, an entity with kalyana gunas (auspicious qualities.) 

1) Gnana - Omniscience

2) Aishwaryam - Possession of all wealth

3) Shakti – The power to do anything

4) Strength – the strength to sustain (protect) everything

5) Veeriyam – the unfailing power

6) Tejas - the divine, absolute state and transcending all. 

Para Vasudeva is described as possessing these six qualities. 

The second level is Vyuham. Here the Lord appears with four forms, with the names Vasudeva, Shankarshana, Pradyumna and Anirudha. They face the East, South, West and North directions respectively. 

Vyuha Vasudeva is Para Vasudeva.

Sankarshana receives two qualities, knowledge and strength from Vyuha Vasudeva. With knowledge he creates scriptures. Using the strength, he paves the way for the destruction of the world during the deluge. 

Pradyumna manifests from Sankarshana, while Aniruddha manifests from Pradyumna. Pradyumna creates all the worlds with the two qualities of veera (courage) and veerya (energy) and makes dharma established there. 

Aniruddha is born from Pradyumna and is seen as having the two qualities of Shakti (power) and Tejas (dalliance). He is responsible for the two tasks of protecting the world and teaching morals and truths to the world

When we look at the whole picture, it is understood that Lord Vishnu is responsible for creation, preservation, destruction, and the establishment of dharma in the world. 

It can be understood that Shankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha perform these tasks in three forms, and that each assumes two qualities and functions in accordance with specific tasks. 

Everything in the world can be divided into three categories namely prakrti, mahat and ego. 

Prakrti means that which is perceived by the senses. Our body, earth, water, air etc. are included in Prakrti. 

The forces operating in the world which are invisible to our eyes are known as Mahat. Earth's gravity, laws of nature, morality etc. can be called Mahat. 

The third is egoism. It refers to the feelings, likes and dislikes of individual human beings. 

Shankarsha is responsible for Prakrti, Pradyumna is responsible for Mahat and Aniruddha is responsible for Ego. 

Mahavishnu's third stage is Vibhavam. Vibhavam refers to incarnations of God. 

The first two levels are inaccessible to us, mortals. It is of no use to us and no use of God to be inaccessible to us! That is why Vishnu incarnated in this world to be close to us. 

The Sanskrit word 'avatara' means 'descent'. God, who is beyond our reach, descends because of his compassion for us and incarnates in this world. 

Vishnu has ten avatars in total. So far he has taken nine incarnations. He will manifest as Kalki, the tenth incarnation at the end of Kali Yuga. 

The fourth stage is Antaryami. The state of Antaryami is the one in which God manifests as Antarathma within all of us. Yes. We don't have to go anywhere outside to seek God. He is within each of us. 

There is life within our bodies. Similarly, it is Lord Vishnu who is alive to life - as Antaratma. In other words, Jivatma is within each of us. Paramatma is the soul of Jivatma itself. 

If we realize that God is within us, our life becomes blissful. 

The fifth stage is called Archam. This is the state in which the Lord presents himself to us in many temples in this world, The status of Archam means that the Lord gives grace to us in the form of an idol. Archam is a state where everyone can easily worship and enjoy. As Archa gives the opportunity for all the people who didn't have the opportunity to live during incarnation times, to have the experience of having a darshan of the Lord in the form of an idol., This state of God is given to us as Archavatara.