Period : 8th C. AD

Place : Thirvanjikkolam

Month : Maasee

Star (Natshatram) : Punar Poosam (Punarvasu)

Day : Friday

Father : Thida viratan

Other Names : Kollikkaavalan, Koodal Naayagan, Koyikone, Villavar Kone, Cheyralar Kone

His works : Perumal tirumoli

Songs : 105

Hamsam : Kaustubha (Gem Necklace)

Chera Nadu is otherwise called as "Malai Nadu", which is rich in wealth and is surrounded by big beautiful mountains and rivers. In this Chera Nadu, lots of Elephants are found as cows found in Thondai Nadu. All the people found in this empire are said to be great warriors. Not only in war, but also in education and the way they led the country and their life. Chera Nadu was ruled by Chera Kings, who ruled for more decades. They led the empire in peace and made the life of the people happy.

In that generation, a king by named "Thidaviradhan", ruled the Chera Empire, who had a great bhakti towards Sriman Narayanan. He gave proper respect and gave lots of valuable things to Vishnu bhaktas. As the kind of life by the king, as the Hamsam of Sri Vishnu's Sri Kousthu, a baby was born in Prabhava year, Maasi month, Sukla Dvadesi, friday in Punarpoosa Natshatram (Star). Since, the child was born as the result of Vishnu bhakti of the king, it look very bright and beautiful.

As the birth of child, the entire empire celebrated his birth and after 10 days, the child was kept the name "Kulasekaran". He did all the mischief things in the childhood days what a child does generally. But, at the same time, he learnt all the important issues and also learnt the Sanskrit language, which is said as the Veda Mozhi (Vedic language). He was not only taught with the studies, but also with various warfare skills like horse riding, Elephant ride, practiced the sword fight, Gadhai and Chariot riding. He was very well taught with studies and also with various fighting aspects for war.

After attaining the proper age, he was given the throne and led the Chera Nadu, better than his father led. He also gave the proper respect to the Vishnu bhaktas and made the people very happy. He fought with great speed in the war and defeated all the opposing kings. On seeing this, the Chozha kings and Pandiya kings got jealous on him and tried to defeat him in the war. But, Kulasekarar with his mighty soldiers and army defeated them and extended his empire towards Chozha Nadu.

On seeing the greatness and the masculine character of Kulasekarar, Pandiyan king married her daughter to Kulasekarar. After getting married, he led his life with his wife and along with the war and capturing the various empires. But, seeing all this, the Emperumaan who is on the Paambanai (Perumal found on the Aadhiseshan using him as his bed) wanted to make kulasekarar to get out from the Maayai and wanted him to lead an spiritual life.

But the life of Kulasekarar went on as this and one fine day, he got irritated for his leading of life and felt sorry for the lives he had killed in the war. This made him to think about Sriman Narayanan and thought that he should lead his life by being useful to others and at the same time he should spread the Vishnu Bhakti in the midst of human life.

He was really worried that he should have not born in a rich family, but instead he might have born in an unwealthy family, so that he could not lead a luxurious life. He even thought that he might have born as a fish in any of the Punniya theerthams, so that he might have a close relationship with the Perumal.

This thought didn't stop, it extended assuming him (Kulasekarar) as the mother (Devaki) of Sri Kannan, he explained the childhood leelas of Sri Krishnar. He explained his leelas as :

                                                                                     "Thann Am Thamaraik Kannane! Kanna
                                                                               Thavazhtu Ezhundhu Thalarndhu Oar Nadayaal
                                                                                         Mannil Sempodi Aadivandhu Enthan
                                                                                          Maarbil Mannidam Petrilen! Andho!
                                                                                          Vanna Chemsiru Kaiviral Anaithum
                                                                                            Vaari Vaaikkonda Adisilin Micchil
                                                                                            Unnaip Petrilen oh! Keduvinaiyen
                                                                                           Ennai Enseip Petradhu Em Moyae"!

In this, Kulasekarar thinks Sri Kannan as his child and explains him about his childhood leelas. He started to love the God and it extended so well.

Because of his great bhakti, he did lots of Dhaanams to Vishnu bhaktas. He praised the Perumal by praising and satisfying his bhaktas.

Kulasekarar had a great attention towards hearing the purana stories. He called up lots of old persons and heard lots of old stories and the thathuvam in it. He gave lots of prizes to the old person. Likewise, one day an old yogi was called to say a story in the puranas.

The old yogi told the story of Ramayana and the way of life led by Sri Ramar. On hearing the story of Sri Ramar, Kulasekarar as he was deeply attracted by the life of Sri Ramar, his eyes started to release water and he was totally surrounded towards Sri Ramar.

The next day, the old yogi explained about the war scene that happened in Ramayana. In that he explained, that Lakshmanan was asking for the permission to fight with the Rakshasas who had come against them. But, at that time Sri Ramar stopped him not to go to fight with them, but asks him to stay as the protection for Seetha amd came out from the hut. On seeing Sri Ramar, Soorpanaka roared at all of the Rakshasas that Rama has come out and asked Rakshasas to surround him. They all surrounded Rama with sharp weapons in their hands.

On hearing the story of Sri Ramar and he was deeply attracted by this scene, Kulasekarar thought that there is something harm is going to happen for Sri Ramar and quickly went out from that place and ordered his army to get ready for the war.

But, the army was amazed and surprised that why and with whom they are going to raise the war, since the choza and Pandiya kings who are treated as their enemy are being quiet at that time. But, they have to obey the orders of their king and prepared all the horses and Elephants for the war.

But the Ministers understood the event. They realised that Kulasekhara got emotional and so they asked the Yogi to tell the subsequent events in the story so that Kulasekhara could get to know that the war with Rama was already over.

The yogi completed the story saying Sri Ramar, single handedly defeated all the Rakshasas. On hearing this and the greatness of Sri Ramar, he was very much pleased and ordered his army to get back to barracks. This explains about great bhakti of Kulasekarar towards the Emperumaan.

Days passed. Kulasekhara was continuing to be more devotional than ruling the country.

One day he found that some of the jewels adorning his Lord were missing. Kulasekarar was angered by seeing the ornaments having been stolen. He wanted to know who had done that. Since the Minisiters wanted to turn the Kings attention away from Vishnu and Vishnu Bhaktas, they said that the ornaments were stolen only by the Vishnu Bhaktas. But, kulasekarar refused to believe since he had a great faith in them. He ordered for a pot filled with snakes.

He told his Ministers that he is going to put his own hand inside the pot and if the Vishnubhaktas had stolen the jewels as was mentioned by the Ministers, then let the snakes bite his hand. And if not, they would not bite his hand.

God wanted the truth to come out. When Kulasekhara inserted his hand into the vessel, the snakes did not do any harm. The ministers then came out with truth. Kulasekhara wanted the Ministers to say sorry to Vishnubhaktas whom they defamed. This act of Kulasekarar explains how dedicated he is towards Vaishnavism and to the Vishnu bhaktas.

In honor of Sri Rama, Kulasekhara wrote "Perumal Thirumozhi", 105 Pasurams.

Divya Desams consecrated by Kulasekara AzhwAr (7)

2.Tiruk Kanna Puram
3.Tiru Chitra Koodam
4.Tiru Vittuvak Kodu
5.Tiru Venkadam
6.Tiru Ayodhya
7.Tirup Paar Kadal.