Period : 9th C. AD

Place : Thirukollur

Month : Chitthirai

Star (Natshatram) : Chitthirai (Chithra)

Day : Friday

Other Names : Inkaviyaar, Azhwaarukku Adiyaan

His works Kanni Nunn Siruthambhu

Songs : 11

Hamsam : Vainatheya (Garuda)

In Paandiya Nadu, lots of temples are found. All the temples are rich in Spirituality and divine followers are seen. Inspite of lots of Vishnu temples are found, Thirukkoloor is one of special sthalam is seen. This sthalam is found two miles on the eastern side away from Azhwar Thirunagari.

Lots of Brahmins who spread the fame of Sriman Narayanan lived here. In one of those families, in Easwara year, Chittirai month, Sukla Chaturdasi Friday, Chittirai Natshatram (star) Madhurakavi Alwar was born. His birth is referred to as the rays of the sun, which comes out before the sun completely comes out. Here the rays are referred to "Nammalwar", since Madhurakavi born before Nammalwar.

He was taught with all Vedic books and was devoted to Sriman Narayanan by praising him with songs. He was also well - versed in writing poems and songs in Sanskrit also. He had talent of writing poems and bhakti songs that could focus the minds of all the persons who hear (or) read it. He lead a life of solitude not wanting to ming with those who were leading earthly life.

To facilitate attaining Moksha, he thought of going for a spritual travel towards the North Indian shetrams like Ayodhya, Madura, Kaasi, Dwaraka etc. He converted his thought into action and started towards the North Indian sthalams.

Reaching North India, he worshipped all the Vishnu sthalams and finally he went to Ayodhya temple and admired at the beauty of Sri Rama along with Sita Piratti, Lakshmana and Hanuman. He stayed in Ayodhya for a while.

At that time, he heard about a 16 year old child by name Nammalwar who was in unconscious stage, living without eating anything under a tamarind tree in Alwar Thirunagari.

One day, after finishing the daily pooja, he saw a bright star in the sky which made him to think whether any village (or) house had caught fire (or) some big fire is burning the forest. He could not definitely get any idea and he left it at that thinking it was some mystery.

Then he found that bright object was a star and that was travelling towards south. He decided to follow the star and following it he reached Alwar Thirunagari when the star disappeared.

He heard about the child Nammalwar who didn't open his eyes (or) ears for almost 16 years. Madhurakavi on seeing Nammalwar could not believe a 16-year-old child can live without eating (or) moving a little bit for many years. So, he wanted to test his qualities. He lifted a big stone, which is found near the tree and dropped it in the ground. On hearing, Nammalwar opened his eyes and smiled at Madhurakavi Alwar. After this, Madhurakavi was still confused whether he could speak (or) not. He wanted to test him and questioned him as:

                                                                                             "Senthin Vayitril Siriyadhu Pirandhal
                                                                                                Eatthai Thindru Engae Kidakkum?".

This means if anything that is born in a dead, the subtle thing that is born inside it, how does it leads his life on eating what and where does ir resides?

For this, Nammalwar answers him as:

                                                                                               "Atthai Thindru Angae Kidakkum".

This means that the small Jeevathma resides in the soul (the Paramathma) and enjoys the place which it lives. The answer also explains how all of our human souls are tied up with ordinary life by doing good and evil things to all the persons around them. If a person does these kinds of things, he will experience the same and could not attain the Moksha, the destiny.

On hearing this, Madhurakavi Alwar realised that the Nammalwar is not only either deaf nor dumb but is a person of erudite philosophical knowledge. He felt Nammalwar must be a Gyani at whose feet he can learn much. Straightaway he decided to take Nammalwar as his Spiritual Guru and fell at his feet.

Thus Madhurakavi Alwar was the student to learn the Veda from Nammalwar, which explains the link between Sriman Narayanan and ordinary human and how to attain his thiruvadi.

In return Madhurakavi Alwar wrote his Pasurams in praise of Sriman Narayanan and this is known as "Kanni Nunn Siruthambhu" containing 11 paasurams.

He made a statue of Nammalwar and placed in the temple and did daily poojas for him and led his life by praising and singing the greatness of his spiritual guru "Nammalwar".

Discourse about the greatness of shri Madurakavigal.

All of us know that in the whole of the Nalaayira Divya Prabhandam only the 11 paasurams of Madurakavigal doesn't praise the bhagavan. Instead it talks about
the magimai of sri Nammazhvar, aacharya of Madurakavigal.

Madurakavigal was a Brahmana by birth and he was far elder than Sri Nammazhvar and also well versed in Vedas and highly educated. But shri Madurakavigal smashed the pride of being a brahmana or elder by age or well educated and surrendered to the feet of Shri Nammazhvar who was supposed to be the incarnation of Shri Vishvaksenar.