Melkote - Sri Cheluva Narayana Temple:

Melkote Temple Gopuram
Melkote is one among the Pancha Narayana temples established by Sri Ramanujacharya also known as Sri Yathiraja. It is a most popular pilgrimage center for Vaishnavaites and is known for its rich cultural heritage and ancient history which dates back to Kritha Yuga. Sri Cheluvanarayaswamy was worshiped by Dattatreya in Kritha Yuga hence this place was referred to as Vedadri, Lord Rama in Tretha Yuga, hence it became Narayanadri , Lord Krishna and Balarama in Dwapara Yuga, hence it became Yadavadri, and Yathiraja (Saint Ramanujacharya) in Kali Yuga, hence Yathugiri. Temple has many interesting facts and legends which makes this place a very auspicious pilgrimage center.

Melkote View

Why is this place Melkote ?: Melkote literally means a "Fort at the Top" in Kannada. Melkote is about 900 mts above sea level in a hill presently known as "Yathugiri".

How to reach?: Melkote is in Mandya district of Karnataka. It is about 25 kms from Pandavapura, 20 kms from Thennur, 130 kms from Bangalore, 51 kms from Mysore. It is well connected by railway and roadways. There are bus facilities available from Bangalore and Mysore. Nearest railway station is Pandavapura.

Legends Related to Melkote: History of Melkote is quite interesting as it spreads across many Yugas. Some of the interesting legends are given briefly.

Melkote mountain view

Lord Vishnu on the behest of Lord Brahma, created Sri Cheluvanarayana idol, out of His Atma Kalasha (sprit form). Lord Brahma then passed it on to His manasika putra, Sanathkumara, who installed it in this very place of Melkote. Hence this place was referred to as "Narayanadri'.

After passing on this idol, Lord Brahma, requested Lord Vishnu, for another set of idols for His worship. Being compassionate, Lord Vishnu presented Lord Brahma with a smaller version of the earlier idol, along with His consorts Sridevi and Bhodevi. Later on, in the Thretha Yuga, Lord Rama requested Lord Brahma, for an idol for His worship, hence this idol was passed on to Lord Rama. He was very devoted to this idol, hence the idol worshiped by Him is known as "Ramapriya (Beloved to Rama)" .

Kusha (Son of Lord Rama), inherited this idol and passed it on to his daughter who was married off to a Yadava family. Lord Krishna and Balarama, being Yadava prince, inherited this idol. During one of Balarama's travel, finding similarity between the moolava moorthy, Balarama and Krishna, made this idol as utsava moorthy, which would be taken for procession even today. Hence this place is known as "Yadavadri".

Melkote Theertham

In Kaliyuga, Muslims invaded this place, Sri Cheluvanarayana was buried in ruins, however, utsava moorthy was taken away by Mohamad Badsha.

Sri Ramanujacharya, after establishing Sri Vasihnavisam at Thennur,  had a dream, where Lord Vishnu, indicated the place, where He was buried and asked Acharya to dig Him out. Saint Ramanujacharya, along with King Vishnuvardhana then took out the idol of Sri Cheluvanarayana and renovated the temple.

Later on, Yathiraja had another dream, where in, a small child was affectionately calling on Yathiraja. In his meditation, Yathiraja discovered that the utsava moorthy idol was at Delhi at kings palace. He traveled to Delhi in spite of his old age and requested king of Delhi to return the utsava moorthy, which he fondly calls as "Chella Pillai (my fond son) or Sampath Kumara". King Mohamad Badsha, impressed by the simplicity and benevolence of Saint Ramanujacharya, returned Ramapriya idol to him. However King's, daughter who was very devoted to the idol, came along with the procession till Melkote and breathed her last at the temple. Even today there is a small idol in memory of King's daughter, near Sampath Kumara, known as "Bibi Nachiyar".

Melkote Bibi Nachiyar

Another interesting anecdote is about Vairamudi Sevai. Every year Vairamudi Sevai festival is celebrated in a grand manner. During this festival, procession deity, Utsava Moorthy, "Rama Priya @ Sanath Kumara @ Chella Pillai" will adorn a crown studded with diamonds (Vairamudi). Procession carrying the utsava moorthy in a decorated palanquin will start in the night, continue till 3 am in the morning. This is a unique festival of this temple.

Vairamudi Sevai

Originally, Vairamudi was adorned by Anniruddha swamy at Pathala Loka. King Virochana, grand son of King Prahlada, abducted Vairamudi crown and hid it in his palace. Garuda, vehicle of Lord Vishnu, defeated King Virochana, after snatching the Vairamudi from him. On his way back, Garuda, had a darshan of Lord Krishna and placed the crown over His head. Lord Krishna, who had been owning Ramapriya idol, realized it's history and found that the crown matched the idol perfectly well. Garuda then performed a ceremony as per Lord Krishna's instruction, which is being followed even till today and organized as Vairamudi Sevai.

Interesting Facts about the temple: There are quite a few interesting facts about the temple and I guess it would require a separate blog for the same. However, I will try to make it as briefly as possible.

One among Pancha Narayana temple, whose lineage and history dates back to Kritha Yuga. Both the Moolavar, Sri Cheluvanarayana and Utsavar, Sanath Kumara are known to be created by Lord Vishnu Himself out of His Atma Kalasha.
This place and it's deity were worshiped by Lord Brahma, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Balarama.

Saint Ramanujacharya @ Yathiraja, was instrumental in renovating this temple.
It is one of the known Vaishnavaite temples, which follows the unbroken tradition established by Yathiraja till date.

Vairamudi ( Diamond studded crown), which was supposed to be worn by none other than Lord Krishna Himself, is being adorned by Sri Cheluvanarayana and the festival is celebrated as Vairamudi Sevai.
People from all parts of south india flock this place for having a glimpse of Lord Ramapriya adorned with Vairamudi.

Procession idol of Saint Ramanujar @ Yathiraja, is very beautiful, "Thamar Uganda Tirumeni", meaning, "Image that is dear to his devotees". This was created by Yathiraja himself in order to please his devotees of Melkote.

This temple is very dear to Yathiraja and is also called "Tirunarayanapuram".
There are two temple tanks, Akka Tangi Kulam, Sisters tank, water in one of them is sweet and the other is salty.

Yoga Narasimhar temple found in the hilltop was constructed and consecrated by Prahlada.

There is a Royar Gopuram beside the temple tank Kalyani, where the pillars stand without support even today.
Kalyani Theertham

Kalyani - Temple Tank: We started our pilgrimage from Bangalore by around 6 am. After having a darshan at Doddamallur, breakfast at Kamat, we headed towards Melkote. Before proceeding to have a darshan of Cheluvanarayana, we ceremoniously performed Prokshanam (sprinkling water over the head, a form of purification) at the temple tank Kalyani, which is a huge tank also referred as Narayana Theertham. Many Bhagavatas have taken a dip at this place and so it is called as Pancha Bhagavata Stalam. We then rushed to have a darshan of Sri Cheluvanarayana.

Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana

Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana: On the entrance of the main temple, we came across a huge Dwajastamba (a pillar), which was made out of a single rock. Gopuram of the temple reflects, Mysore Vudayar type of architecture. Before the main sanctum of Sri Cheluvanarayana, is a pillar, with the structure of Garuda carved out. In every Lord Narayana temple, His vehicle, Garuda would be facing Him, similar to Nandi for Lord Shiva.

Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana

Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana is a huge idol, seen with "Shanku, Chakram, Gada and Padmam". "Cheluvanarayana" in Kannada means, "A very Handsome Narayana". Lord Sri Cheluvanaraya's beauty cannot be expressed in mere words. He is Divine, Compassionate, Majestic, Handsome and much more. Indeed, if the idol is created by Lord Vishnu Himself, it would certainly be the best. Seeing His benevolent face, we were ecstatic. After a heartfelt darshan of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana, we headed towards outer Praharam.

Goddess Yadhugiri Nachiyar

Goddess Yadhugiri Nachiyar: Praharam outside main sanctum had different styles of pillars, some were architecturally designed, some of them including some walls were plain. As per the legend, saint Ramanujacharya renovated the temple from scratch, hence the architecture, seems to be culmination of varied dynasty.

Goddess Yadhugir Nachiyar with Urchavar Kalyana Nayaki

We then entered the sanctum of Goddess Yadhugiri Nachiyar. Goddess is beauty personified, majestic and Goddess is said to be in Lajja Posture, i.e is seen blushing. She is filled with compassion and motherly affection. The urchavar idol is called "Kalyana Nayaki", One who accompanies Lord Vishnu during procession and during marriage. After a blissful darshan we proceeded towards other deities.

Urchavar and Other Deities: Prominent among deities found in the temple include, Urchavar idol of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana also known as Ramapriya along with Sridevi and Bhodevi. This is the idol which is brought out during procession and festivals. It is indeed the same idol, which Lord Rama worshiped and considered as a favorite, hence

Sri Ramapriya-Sampath Kumara-Chella Pillai called Ramapriya. It is also the same idol, which was considered not a mere toy, but more precious than her own life by none other than the Mughal King's daughter, compassionately called as "BiBi Nachiyar", whose idol is seen at the foot of Ramapriya. It is the same idol, who is very dear to Yathiraja, who lovingly considered Ramapriya as his own son and addressed Him as "Chella Pillai" or Sampath Kumara". It is also the same idol worshiped by Lord Krishna and Balarama and it is Lord Krishna, who guided Garuda on how to perform "Vairamudi Sevai". Such is the beauty of this Lord, which no words can glorify enough. We were simple enthralled and felt blessed to be in His presence.

Melkote Saint Ramanujacharya
Thamar Uganda Tirumeni

Other deities in the temple include, all the 12 Azhwars, Thiru Kachinambi and most importantly, the urchavar idol of Saint Ramanujacharya, which is believed to be made by himself. This idol is known as, "Thamar Uganda Tirumeni", idol which is most favorite among his devotees. It is very beautiful and unique idol and one feels blissful to look at Yathiraja.

Yoga Narasimhar Temple Gopuram and Kalyani Tank

Lord Yoga Narasimhar Temple: Overwhelmed by the blessings and darshan of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana, we spent time in the temple meditating on Him. Realizing the passage of time, we hurriedly rushed to Yoga Narasimhar temple. There were around 200 odd steps before reaching the hill top. These steps are carved out on the mountain.

View from Top

Yoga Narasimha temple is about 1800 meters above sea level. This temple was built and consecrated by Bakta Prahlad Himself in the Kritha Yuga. There is a huge drum outside this temple, which was donated by Tippu Sultan.

Yoga Narasimhar

Idol of Lord Narasimha is huge and He is seen meditating, hence called "Yoga Narasimhar". His face is radiating with Divinity, Compassion and He appears as a small child sitting in meditation. We were completely enchanted by His darshan. One could find lot of similarities between Yoga Narasimhar here and at Thondanur.

View of Kalyani tank and temple Gopuram and over all, view from the top angle was quite exhilarating.

Melkote Devar Padam

Other places of Importance: Around Yoganarasimhar temple, in the hill top and near Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana temple, Melkote, there are couple of places of importance, which are unique and quite interesting.

There is a cave below the Yoganarasimhar temple, known as "Bilaswarga", which is now closed for visitors after  Jan 08, due to robbery at the temple.
Devar Padam - Feet of Lord Vishnu is inscribed in the hill top near Yoga Narasimhar temple.
At Melkote, South of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana temple, there are two tanks known as "Akka Tangi" Tanks or Sisters Tank. It is believed that water in the Tangi tank is sweet and clear whereas in Akka tank it is salty. Water is drawn from Tangi tank for abhishegam of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana.
There is a Rayar Gopuram near Sisters Tank. Pillars of this Gopuram stand without support for centuries.
Gratified with a wonderful darshan of Melkote, we headed back home.

Temple Festivals:

There are many festivals which are quite unique to this temple. The most prominent and important one is "Vairamudi Sevai". Vairamudi meaning, "Diamond studded Crown", which was adorned by none other than Lord Vishnu. The legend explaining the importance of Vairamudi, how it was stolen by Virochana and how it was restored by Garuda were described earlier. It is believed that this Vairamudi was worn by none other than Lord Krishna and He had explained the rituals behind celebrating this event.

Vairamudi Sevai - Sri Ramapriya - Sridevi - Bhodevi in Garuda Vahana

This festival is celebrated for over 13 days in a grand manner attracting over 4 Lakh people. Garudotsava is celebrated a day before Vairamudi Brahmotsava. Vairamudi is safeguarded at Mysore Treasury. On the day of Vairamudi Seva, it is brought as a procession from Mysore amidst tight security. Urchavar idol of Lord Sri Cheluvanarayana i.e Lord Sampathkumara, is adorned with Vairamudi in the night by head priest. Vairamudi is very precious and should not be seen in daylight, excepting the time when it is adorned by Lord. Hence the priests are blindfolded before they adorn the Vairamudi on to the Lord. Lord Ramapriya, is brought in a procession in Golden Garuda Vahana,  along with other deities Sridevi and Bhudevi. During the 13 days of celebration, Kalyanotsava, Ratostava etc are being celebrated.

Other important festivals in Melkote include, Ramanavami Utsavam, Ramanujar Thirunakshatram etc.

Temple Timings: Temple is open between 7:30 am to 1 pm in the morning and 4 pm to 8 pm in the evening, everyday. On special days till 1:30 pm in the afternoon and it opens as early as 3:30 pm in the evening.

Darshana timings for Yoganarasimhar temple is 9:30 am to 1 pm in the morning and between 5:30 pm till 8 pm in the evening.

Interesting Places near by: 

Doddamallur Sri Rama Aprameya
Srirangapatna-Lord Sri Rangathaswamy
Thondanur Sri Nambi Narayana

Useful Tips:
Start early to avoid Bangalore Traffic.
Temple address and contact details are as below
Temple Address :
Sri CheluvaNarayana Swamy & Sri Yoganarasimha Swamy Temple
Pandavapura Taluk, Mandya Dist,

Melukote - 571431
Contact Number : 08236-299839

As Melkote temple is open till 1 pm, one can plan to visit other temples on their way, like Doddamallur or Thennur.
For first timers, avoid going on festival days as it would be over crowded.
Melkote Puliogare is quite famous, don't miss it at the temple's shop.