Thirukkavitthalam (Kapisthalam) – Sri Gajendra Varadha Perumal Temple, Kumbakonam
About the Temple & Location:
It is situated in Tanjore district, Tamil Nadu. Two miles away from Tanjai – Pabanasam Railway station. Bus routes are available in between Kumbakonam to Tiruvayyaru. There is no lodging facility. But some chatthirams are available.
Sthala Puranam:
Lord Anjaneya, who belongs to Monkey family, who was gifted with all sorts of good activities and very well knowledged animal (human god) got the Siranjeevi pattam (there is no end of life for him) is also called as “Siriya Thiruvadi” and Gajendran, an elephant that has dedicated its life to Sri Vishnu, did all sorts of pooja and worshipped the God and went along the way what all the alwaars have said and got the stage as alwaars were given prathyaksham for these two (ie) Lord Anjaneya and Gajendran, the Elephant in Kidantha Kolam in bujanga Sayanam.
Emperuman giving his seva (or) dharshan for Lord Anjaneya as sri Rama, gives his seva to Gajendran when his legs was caught by a crocodile, when Gajendran wants to pluck a flower in a pond and do pooja for Emperumaan. But since he was unable to get rid of his mouth, he seeked the help from Sriman Narayanan. At that time he gave his presence there and helped him to get out of Crocodile's mouth. The way he showed his seva to Gajendran alwan in one thing which is to be explained. At the final stage when Gajendran felt that it is impossible to get his legs from the mouth of a crocodile, he raised his trunk along the sky and asked for Sriman Narayanan’s help. When hearing this, Sriman Narayanan flyed from Thirupparkadal on Sri Garudan.
Finally he came and helped out Gajendra Alwaan. After this, Keeping the dedication of worship of Gajendran Alwaan in his mind he gave moksham, the final place each and every human thinks to go was given to Gajendra Alwaan.
The basic moral of this story is that even if it is a small human (or) non – human things, when it is surrendered to God, he will help them (or) us to get out of it.
In Spite of the God, giving seva for Anjaneyar as Sri Ramar and as Sri Vaikundanathan for Gajendra Alwaan, he also showed his seva as “Kannan” in the river side. That's the reason this shetram is also called as “Krishnaranya Shetram”.
Not only for the Rishis, who borned as Gopika Sri (Ladies in Ayarpadi)along the river side of Yamuna river, he showed his seva to Aanjaneya, the monkey god and for Gajendran, the Elephant, in Kidantha Thirukkolam.
If Gokulam and Aayarpaadi for Gopiyar and Naimisaaranyam for Maharishis, then this Thirukkavitham is for Aanjaneyar and Gajendran in all along of 108 Divya Desams.
In Languages, “Kabi” means monkey since Aanjaneyar was given the seva of Sriman Narayanan, this Sthalam is called as “Kabishthalam”.
Gajendram, which takes the Lotus flower from the pond and does the daily pooja here for the God, was given the seva along with periya pirattiyaar, as “Ramamani Valli”.
The primary moral explained by this sthalam is that for each and every Jeevathmaas which is born in this Earth is given the complete seva and blessings by Sriman Narayanan.
Human soul is said to be jumping from one place to another,(ie) it will not be fulfilled by a particular thing and in the same way when it goes to a high position the human mind gets hold of Head weight. The Lord gives his seva only to explain this.
The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Gajendra Varadhan. Moolavar in Kidantha Kolam in Bhujanga sayanam facing the East direction. Prathyaksham for Anjaneyar and as Bhaktha Elephant for Gajendran.
Ramamani Valli (Potramaraiyaal).
Thirumazhisai Alwar – 1 Paasuram.
Total – 1 Paasuram.
Gajendra Pushkarani.
Kapila Theertham.
gaganAkruthi Vimaanam.
Kapisthalam Gajendra Varadar
Pancha Krishna Kshetram
Only Divya Desam that provides Moksham to two animals
Located about 15 kms from Kumbakonam on the Thiruvayaru road (about 5 kms East of Koodalur Divya Desam) is the Gajendra Varadhan temple at Kapisthalam where the Lord is seen in a reclining posture facing the East.
The Legend
Raja Indirajimnan, a staunch devotee of Vishnu was so immersed in his prayers that he would forget the world around him. Once he incurred the wrath of Sage Durvasa known for his instant anger by continuing to be in his prayers and making the Sage wait outside. He was cursed thus- “The fact that you are a great devotee has made you arrogant and you have disrespected a Sage, who has come to meet you. May you turn into a mad elephant.”
Realising his folly, Indrajimnan begged for forgiveness. The Sage who is also known for showing sympathy agreed to reduce the impact of the curse stating that he would continue to be devoted to the Lord as ‘Elephant Gajendra’ and that he would one day be relieved of his curse by Vishnu himself.
Another story goes that Asura Guhu once playfully pulled the legs of Sage Agastyar while he was having a bath. Angered at this act, the Sage cursed him instantly turning the Asura into a Crocodile.
Vishnu, on his Garuda Vahana rescued Elephant (King) Gajendra from the clutches of the Crocodile (the Asura) on the banks of the river by hurling his Chakra at the crocodile and killing it. Thus the king was rid of his curse and attained Moksham. This Gajendra Moksham episode is enacted here every year in Panguni (March-April). This is the only Divya Desam where the Lord provides Darshan to two animals.
It is a Praarthana Sthalam for Rahu.
This is one of the ‘Pancha Krishna Kshetrams’.
(the other four are – Thiru Kannapuram, Thiru Kannamangai, Thiruvazhandur and ThiruKannangudi)
The temple is open between 6.30am - 12noon and 5pm - 7.30pm.
Contact: O.S. Seshadri Bhattar- 04374 225434/95850 85619/81487 76727
Buses every 15 minutes between Kumbakonam and Thiruvayaru. Papanasam Railway Station is 2 kms South of Kapisthalam