Venkateswara Suprabhatam is the lyrical praise and worship of Lord Venkateswara

Actually, the whole prayer of Lord Venkateswara or Balaji contains 4 parts.
1. Venkateswara Suprabhatam (or auspicious awakening of Lord)
2. Venkateswara Stotram (or praise of Lord)
3. Venkateswara Prapatti (or submission to God)
4. Venkateswara Mangalashasanam (or prayer wishing for the wellbeing of the Lord and humanity)

So, this post deals with the first part of it. It starts with the awakening of God for his daily worship by reminding him of the beautiful sceneries and blissful activities visible in the surroundings during the morning time. Thereby the devotee informs Him that it is already dawn and so to be ready for worship. It further continues with the praise and glory of God who is the creator of those wonderful sceneries and beautiful things. The prayer ends with requests seeking protection and benevolence from the Almighty.

There are 29 verses in this Suprabhatam. The first 12 verses describe the beautiful scenario and the ongoing activities around there during the early hours of the day. The next 12 verses talk about the greatness and praise for the Lord. It tells us how all the gods, planets, sages, and entire living beings are awaiting in his court to seek his presence and blessings. The final verses seek the protection and well-being of the living beings and the entire universe.

Venkateswara Suprabhatam

Kousalyaa suprajaa Rama poorvaa sandhyaa pravartatE
uttistha nara shaardoolaa kartavyam daiva-maahnikam || (1)

Mother Kousalya's benevolent son, O Rama, the predawn hours are passing. Kindly get up O Lion of Humans! Let us perform daily rituals.

UttisthOttishta gOvinda uttishta garuda dhwaja
uttishta kamalaa kaantaa trailOkyam mangaLam kuru || (2)

Please get up Oh Lord Govinda. Get up! You bearing the flag of Garuda; get up O Lotus-Bodied! Bestow the three worlds with auspiciousness.

Maatah samasta jagatAm madhu-kaitabhArE
vakshO vihAriNi manOhara divya moortE
sri svAmini srita jana priyA dAna seelE
sri VenkatEsa dayitE tava suprabhAtam || (3)

O Mother of the entire universe, Lakshmi! You, the enemy of demons Madhu and Kaitabha! One who resides in the heart of Vishnu, O pleasant one! Consort of God! One fulling the wishes of all those who come to seek your shelter, O, the beloved of Lord Venkatesha! Good morning to you.

tava suprabhAta maravinda lOchanE
bhavatu prasanna mukha chandramandalE
vidhi shankarEndra vanitAbhi rarchitE
vrishasaila Natha dayitE dayAnidhE || (4)

O Lotus-Eyed Goddess, good morning to you. Your pleasant face resembles the Moon. You are worshiped by the wives of Lord Brahma, Shiva, and Indra. You are the beloved of Lord Vrishasaila, O abode of love and kindness!

atryAdi saptaRushaya ssamupAsya sandhyAm
aakAsha sindhu kamalAni manOharANi
aadAya pAdayuga marchayitum prapannAh
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (5)

The seven rishis like Atri, etc. on completion of their Sandhyavandanam, are bringing the beautiful lotuses from the divine Ganges to worship your feet. O Lord of Sheshadri mountain! An auspicious morning to you.

panchAnana, abjabhava, shanmukha, vAsavAdyAh
traivikramAdi charitam vibhudA stuvanti
bhAshApatih paThati vAsara suddhi mArAt
Seshadri sekhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (6)

The Gods like Shiva, Brahma, Kartikeya, and other angels are singing the glories of your Trivikrama incarnation. Brihaspati present nearby is reading out the Panchanga or the planetary positions. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

iishatpraphulla sarasiiruha nArikELa
poogadrumAdi sumanOhara pAlikAnAm
aayaati mandamanilah sahadivyagandhaih
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (7)

Fragrances from the majestically blooming lotuses, and from the beautiful trees of Coconut, Areca & Parijata are being carried around by the gentle breezes. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

unmeelya nEtrayuga muttama panjarasthaah
pAtrAvasishTa kadaLiiphala pAyasAni
bhuktvA saliila matha kELee sukaah paThanti
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (8)

The parrots in the cages with their half-opened eyes, having eaten the remains of the bananas and payasam from their vessels, are singing and dancing merrily. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

tantrii prakarsha madhurasvanayA vipanchyA
gAyatyantacharitam tava nAradOpi
bhAshA samagra masakrutkara chAruramyam
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (9)

Bringing forth melodious tunes from the strings of his veena, the sage Narada is singing your endless deeds of glory in a refined language very beautifully. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

bhrungAvaLii cha makaranda rasAnuvidhha
jhankAra giita ninadai sahasEvanAya
niryAtyupAnta sarasii kamalOdarEbhyah
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (10)

Beetles and honey bees, after sucking the honey, are making humming sounds and emerging from the interiors of the lotuses in the ponds, in order to serve you. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

yOshAgaNEna varadadhni vimadhyamAnou
ghOSaalayESu dadhimandhana teevra ghOSAh
rOSaatkalim vidadhatE kakubhascha kumbhAh
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (11)

While the cowherds are churning curds in their pots, the loud sounds, and the echoes emerging from the bellies of their pots seem as if the pots and sounds are quarreling fiercely among themselves. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

padmEsha mitra shatapatra gatALivargAh
hartum shriyam kuvalayasya nijAngalakshmyA
bhErininAda miva bhibhrati teevranAdam
shEshAdri sEkhara vibhO tava suprabhAtam || (12)

The swarms of bees in the lotuses (lotus is known as a friend of the sun) are making loud humming sounds so as to surpass the glory of those lustrous lotuses. O Lord of Sheshasaila! An auspicious morning to you.

sreeman abhiisTa varadAkhila lOka bandhO
sri sreenivAsa jagadEka dayaika sindhO
srree dEvatA grihabhujAntara divya moortE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (13)

O Prosperous One! Granter of boons; the friend of all worldly beings; the abode of Lakshmi! The matchless ocean of kindness! One who is profoundly beautiful with a wide distance between shoulders due to the abode of Lakshmi in your chest! O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

Sree Swamy pushkariNi cAplava nirmalAngA
srEyordhinO haravirinchi sanandanAdyAh
dvArE vasanti varavEtra hatOttamAngAh
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (14)

After taking a bath in your lake of purified waters for their own well-being, Lord Shiva, Brahma, Sanandana, and several others are waiting eagerly at your doorsteps in spite of being hurt by your guards. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

sree shEshashaila garudAchala vEnkatAdri
nArAyaNAdri vrishabhAdri vrishAdri mukhyAm
aakhyAm tvadeeya vasatE ranisham vadanti
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (15)

O, Lord! Your abode is always referred to by various names important of them being Sheshasaila, Garudachal, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrishabhadri, Vrishadri, etc. Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

sEvAparAh shivasurEsha krishAnudharma
rakshOmbhunAtha pavamAna dhanAdhinAthAh
badhhAnjali pravilasa nnijashiirsha deshAh
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (16)

Eager to offer services, Shiva, Indra, Agni, Yama, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, etc. are waiting at your abode with folded hands over their heads. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

dhAtiiSutE vihagarAja mrigAdhirAja
nAgAdhirAja gajarAja hayadhirAjAh
svasvAdhikAra mahimAdika marthayantE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (17)

Your riders - the King of birds Garuda, Animal king Lion, Serpent king Adi Shesa, Elephant king Airavat, Horses king Uchchaisravas are beseeching you to grant them their powers to serve you better. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

sooryEndu bhouma budha vAkpati kAvyasouri
svarbhAnukEtu diviSat pariSatpradhAnA
tvaddAsa dAsa paramAvadhi dAsadAsAh
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (18)

The nine planet angels like Surya (Sun), Indu or Chandra (Moon), Bhouma or Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Vakpati or Brihaspati (Jupiter), Kavya's son Sukra (Venus), Sauri or Shani (Saturn), Svarabhanu (Rahu), and Ketu - who are the chiefs of your assembly of angels - are happy to serve even the servants of you and remain obedient to Thee. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

tvatpAdadhooLi bharita sphuritOttamAngAh
svargApavarga nirapEkshya nijAntarangAh
kalpAgamA kalanayA kulatAm labhamtE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (19)

O, Lord! Sanctifying their bodies by the dust of your feet, the devotees in your presence do not desire in their hearts even for Svarga or Apavarga (Enjoyment or Liberation). But, they are worried about the deluge at the end of this present Kalpa as to what may occur to your present abode here. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

tvatgOpurAgra shikharANi niriikshamANAh
svargApavarga padaviim paramAshrayantah
martyA manushya bhuvanE matimAshrayantE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (20)

On seeing the crest or crown at the top of your temple tower, the mortal beings- who have been aspiring for Heaven and Liberation- now, leaving all those desires, just want to be here in this mortal world so that they can keep worshipping you. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

sree bhoominAyaka dayAdiguNAmrutAbdE
dEvAdidEva jagaDEka sharaNyamoortE
sreeman ananta garudAdibhi rarchitAnghrE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (21)

O Lord of Sri (Lakhmi) and Bhudevi (Mother Earth). Ocean of the nectar of kindness! God of Gods and the sole refuge of the entire universe! One who is worshiped by the king of serpents Ananta (Shesha) and the king of birds Garuda and others! O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

sree padmanAbha purushOttama vAsudEva
vaikunTa mAdhava janArdana chakrapANE
srivatsachihna sharaNAgata pArijAta
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (22)

One bearing lotus as his navel! O Supreme Purusha! Lord of Vasus (attendant of Vishnu is known as Vasu)! Vaikunta (One residing in Vaikunt Loka), Madhava (one bearing mother (goddess) in him), Janardana (one who provides relief to human worries), Chakrapani (holding the wheel in his hand), Srivatsa (one bearing mole in the chest), and who is like Parijata providing refuge in its shade to all the victims! O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

kandarpa darpa hara sundara divyamoortE
kAntAkuchAmburuha kutmalalOla driStE
kaLyAna nirmala guNAkara divyakiirtE
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (23)

O Lord, you are the possessor of a charming divine form that surpasses the pride of handsome Manmatha (Cupid God)! The ladies' looks keep attracted to your lotus-like breasts. Your form is auspicious and pure, and your fame is divine. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

meenAkrutE kamaTakOla nrisimhavarNin
swAmin parashvatha tapOdhana Ramachandra
shESAmsharAma Yadunandana kalkiroopa
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (24)

O Lord, who appeared in the forms of Meena (Fish), Kamata or Kurma (Tortoise), Kola or Varaha (Boar), Nrisimha (Lion-Faced Human), Swamin is used for Vamana (The Dwarf God), Parashurama (Rama with Axe), Ramachandra (Rama), SheshamshaRama (Balarama), Yadunandana (Krishna), and Kalki. O Lord of Venkatachala! An auspicious morning to you.

aelAlavanga ghanasAra sugandhi tiirtham
divyam viyatsariti hEma ghatESu poorNam
dhrutvAdyavaidika shikhAmaNayah prahuStAh
tiStanti vEnkatapatE tava suprabhAtam || (25)

Mixing the cardamom, cloves, and camphor in order to make it fragrant, divine Ganges-water-filled Golden pots are carried by the Brahmins who are well-versant with the Vedas and sitting there for you. O Lord of Venkatachala! Let it be an auspicious morning for you.

bhAsvAnudEti vikachAni sarOruhANi
sampoorayanti ninadaih kakubhO vihangAh
srivaishNavA ssatata marthita mangaLAstE
dhAmAshrayanti tava vEnkata suprabhAtam || (26)

The Sun has risen. Lotuses are blooming. The birds on the Kakubha tree (Arjuna tree) are making noises. Srivaishnavas, who always aspire for the common good, are waiting at your abode. O Lord of Venkatachala! Let it be an auspicious morning for you.

brahmAdaya ssuravarAssa maharSayastE
santassanandana mukhA stathayOgivaryAh
dhAmAntikE tavahi mangaLa vastuhastA
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (27)

Brahma and similar supreme Gods, great sages, yogins, and Sananadana-like great saints, all these enlightened souls are waiting at your abode with auspicious offerings in their hands. O Lord of Venkatachala! Let it be an auspicious morning for you.

lakshmii nivAsa niravadya guNaika sindhO
samsArasAgara samuttaraNaika sEtO
vEdAnta vEdya nijavaibhava bhakta bhOgya
sree vEnkatAchalapatE tava suprabhAtam || (28)

O, an abode of Lakshmi! Ocean of flawless virtues! You are the bridge for crossing this ocean of worldly life. Whose greatness can be known only through the Vedanta or Upanishads! One who is enjoyed by his devotees! O Lord of Venkatachala! Let it be an auspicious morning for you.

ittham vrishAchalapatE riha suprabhAtam
yE mAnavAh pratidinam paTitum pravruttAh
tESAm prabhAta samayE smrutirangabhAjAm
praJNAm parArthasulabhAm paramAm prasootE || (29)

This is the Suprabhatam (morning prayer) of Lord Venkateswara. Whoever recites this prayer daily morning with true devotion or offers through music and bhajans, will be bestowed with wisdom, spiritual wealth, and grace.

Ending Line:

itihi sri venkatEswara suprabhAtam samAptam ||

This is the completion of Lord Venkateswara's morning welcome prayers.

It is good to recite this Venkateswara Suprabhatam at least every Saturday morning to obtain his grace and blessings.

May Lord Venkateswara bless you with every happiness and prosperity.