Why Shri Rama also called Maryada Purushottam
Lord Rama is the 7th avatar of Lord Vishnu also known as Maryada Purushottam, which means the perfect man. It is to be noted that maryada means 'limit' and purushottama means 'the greater than the greatest man'. Purusha means 'man of honor'.

Lord Rama achieved success by controlling the situation even in adverse circumstances, he always followed the Vedas and Maryada. Because Rama is the embodiment of truth, he is the ideal son, the ideal husband, and the most important the ideal king. By compromising on his own pleasures, he supported justice and truth. Lord Rama is the paragon of virtues.

Brahm himself in the lap of mother Kaushalya;
ब्यापक ब्रह्म निरंजन निर्गुन बिगत बिनोद।
सो अज प्रेम भगति बस कौसल्या कें गोद॥
(श्रीरामचरितमानस १.१९८)

Shri Rama appears and mother Kaushalya is feeling the ultimate bliss, protecting and nourishing the Brahm himself who feeds, protects and nourishes whole world. The unborn and the all-pervading Brahm (the supreme Absolute), who is Niranjan (detached from and untainted by Maya), who is Nirguna (beyond the three fold qualities of Sattva-Raj-Tam of Maya) and devoid of worldly-play, he alone being conquered by love and devotion (Prema-bhakti of Manu-Shatrupa) is playing in the arms (laps) of mother Kaushalya.

बिप्र धेनु सुर संत हित लीन्ह मनुज अवतार ।
निज इच्छा निर्मित तनु माया गुन गो पार ॥ (श्रीरामचरितमानस १.१९२)

The Lord incarnated as a human being for the sake of Brahmins, cows, devas and sages. They (ignorant, malina) are beyond Maya and its qualities (Sat, Raja, Tama) and the (outer and inner) senses. His (divine) body is made of His own will (not by any karmic bondage by the triple material substances. Being conquered by the love and devotion (loving-devotion) of Manu-Shatrupa, that Brahm (the supreme Absolute) who is although unborn yet took birth from mother Kaushalya (incarnation of Shatrupa Ji);

Although he is all pervading (unlimited undivided formless whole), yet he shows transcendental-form as if limited with the body at certain place; although he is detached from Maya, yet appears with accompanying the Maya; although he is unmanifest and Nirguna (beyond the attributes), yet he becomes Saguna manifest with all transcendental-attributes; although he being formless is devoid of play, yet he does various divine-plays like playing like a child in the lap of mother Kaushalya.

The akshara 'Ra' represents light or fire. That is why the Sun was called 'Ra' in many ancient cultures. This is not just the light of energy but also of knowledge, of enlightenment. The akshara 'Ma' represents the 'Mind' (manas). ‘रा’ का अर्थ है आभा (कांति) और ‘म’ का अर्थ है मैं, मेरा और मैं स्वयं। राम का अर्थ है मेरे भीतर प्रकाश, मेरे ह्रदय में प्रकाश. Also extends to the self, (atma) and down to 'Man.'

'RAMA' therefore is the 'man in search of/ going towards the light, or, enlightenment; the atma towards the paramatma. In the Ramayana, Rama belongs to the Solar Dynasty / Suryavamshi so perhaps Rama - the 'Man of the Sun'. In the story 'Ramayana', the epic is a universal module of the 'Perfect man' (Purushothama) and his perfect way of life till he merges with the Supreme. Thus 'Rama Yana' ('yana' meaning 'the way') is the 'Way of Rama'.
In the phonetics/linguistic sciences of Sanskrit we do not have 'just' a sound. All sounds originate in a 'seed' sound (beeja mantra) which is represented linguistically in a language symbol (akshara), the combination known as beejakshara. Each of the aksharas come with a certain 'quality'. These qualities are supposed to originate, emerge and radiate out of the first primeval sound or vibration before all Creation.

In Sanskrit, which is said to have been evolved from an even earlier 'Veda Bhasha' and scientifically perfected (therefore ‘Samskrtham’), meanings of aksharas, combinations thereof, and the extensions from the root akshara, spin out into the entire lexicon. Etymologies in Sanskrit therefore tend to become complicated studies in themselves covering various aspects of the science of sound and language and then connotation. Thus Rama can also mean 'to be in bliss', in enlightenment etc.

रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे ।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः ॥(श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्र; पद्मपुराण)

Lord Shiva, Brahmarsi Vasistha call Prabhu “Rama”; Maharaj Dasarath calls him “Ramabhadra” (Rama who is most virtuous, gentle, lovely etc) with love; Maharani Kaushalya kisses and smells the full-moon like face of her son and calls him “Ramachandra” some sages of Vedas call him “Vedhasa” (the supreme cause / creator of all (ऋग्वेदे ५.४३.१२ “आ वेधसं नीलपृष्ठं बृहन्तम् ), the subject (or devotees) of Prabhu call him Our Nath “Raghunath” (i.e. the Lord of all Jivas Raghus); Sita Ji calls him “Nath” (Mere Swami); and the Sakha-sakhis of Prabhu calls him “Sitapati” (the husband of Sita).

Ram Navami is the birth celebration of Prabhu Ram. According to the Hindu calendar, Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the Chaitra month which is also the last day of Chaitra Navratri. As Durga Puja is generally celebrated in Basant, Shri Ram’s invocation and untimely worship of Maa Durga in autumn, is also called Akaal Bodhan. Akaal means ‘untimely’ and Bodhan means ‘invocation’. Since then our ancestors have been celebrating Durga Puja in this season too and today we are carrying this cultural legacy forward.

An illustration of Shri Ram invoking Maa Durga for blessings for victory in the war against Ravan in Lanka so that He could rescue Sita. Shri Ram decided to offer 108 rare Neel kamal (blue lotuses), but he could arrange only 107 at the time of invocation. His eyes were termed kamal nayan (shape of lotus), hence He decided to offer one of his eyes to make it 108. When Shri Ram picked up an arrow and about to pierce His eye, Mata Durga appeared and stopped him. Delighted at Shri Ram’s devotion, Mata Durga blessed Him.

When Rama was going to the forest, the major part of the population followed almost mad in his love. Lord Rama pleaded and requested them a lot to go back but he failed. Eventually he had to leave them while they were in deep slumber and went to the forest. It is said in the description of that time that even beasts and birds were under the spell of his love.

While coming back from Chitrakoot, Bharata was advised by Rama not to take into mind the doings of Mata Kaikeyi which she did propelled by desire or greed for kingdom. Your treatment towards her must be as a venerable mother deserves. He also instructed Satrughna swearing by his own self and Sita never to show anger to her and to serve her always. While in the forest Lakshman once criticised Kaikeyi, then Rama admonished him not to condemn her, this clearly shows what type of faith and devotion Rama had for his mothers.

राम रामेति रामेति, रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं, रामनाम वरानने ॥

Lord Siva replied (to Mother Parvati) with a smile, "There is no one enlightened or deluded. Man instantly becomes what Sri Raghunatha ( Lord Rama ) wills him to be at a particular moment". Hearing the verdict of Lord Siva that the name Rama' is as good as a thousand other names of God, Goddess Parvati repeats the Name continually along with Her consort.
If men repeat His Name even in a helpless state, sins committed by them in a series of previous existences are burnt away, while those who devoutly remember Him are able to cross the ocean of mundane existence as if it were a mere hollow made by the hoof of a cow (Ramacharitamanas).

Ram Navami signifies the arrival of divine power on the earth. It was the day when Bhagwan Vishnu was born as the elder son of Dasharath, the King of Ayodhya. On this day, the devotees of Prabhu Ram perform elaborate rituals. The Hindus believe that this holy bath purifies the body and soul. The purpose of the birth of Ram was to destroy the evil spirit of Ravana. Hence, the celebration of Ram Navami glorifies the power of religion, and it reflects the conflict between good and evil. A celebration of Ram Navami festival indicates the removal of negativity and rise of divine power on the earth.

To remove the Asura Tatwa from the earth and to maintain the Dharma, Bhagwan Vishnu was born as Shri Ram. The day of Ram Navami begins with the offering prayer to the Sun. The Sun symbolizes power. Sun is believed to be Prabhu Rama's ancestor. Hence, praying to the Sun at the beginning of that day to seek the blessing of supreme power is auspicious. Devotees of Shri Ram celebrate the day by singing the devotional song, listening recitations from religious books and chanting of Vedic hymns.

Chariot procession is an indispensable part of Ram Navami festival. The devotees place the images of Shri Ram, Mata Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman in a decorated chariot and carry out a procession on the streets. Preachers also preach sermons from religious texts. All of these practices make people aware about the difference between right and wrong. Followers of Shri Ram keep a fast for the whole day. It helps to purify body system.