Thirukkannankudi | Sri Loganatha Perumal Temple | Divya Desam - 18
Thirukkannankudi – Sri Loganatha Perumal Temple, Nagapattinam

About the Temple & Location:
This temple lies in the Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu. It’s about 2 miles away from Keevalur Railway station. In Nagapattinam to Sikkal (or) Keevalur bus route alight at Aazhiyur stopping and from there its 3/4 miles away arrangements for staying is not possible.

Sthala Puranam:
Long back Vashita Maharishi made an idol of Krishna in Butter. But the butter did not melt due to his pure devotion. For many years he worshipped Lord Krishna made out of butter. The Lord wanted to test him and hence he transformed himself into a small boy (of Yadhava caste or Idai kulam) and started eating the butter idol. When Vashita saw this he lost his temper and started to chase the boy, who was running towards the west side when the boy was crossing a Magizha Maram, other rishi’s who was performing penance there caught the boy and tied him up in the tree. Then finally the boy showed him up. Lord Krishna was standing at the boy's place. Thus from the same place where he stood that day, he blesses us as the Lord Dhamodhara and Dhamodhara Narayanan.

So as Lord Krishna was tied here by rishi’s this place is known as Thirukannankudi (Kudi means place of stay).

This place is related to Ramayana and Mahabaratha. In Ramayana, Lord Rama was the disciple of Vashista Maharishi but at this place, Lord Krishna takes the post of the teacher and teaches “Gyana” to his student Vashista.

In Mahabharatham, Lord Krishna was tied by Mother Yashoda for the reason of eating butter. For the more or less the same reason he was tied here by rishis.

This incident teaches an important lesson also. Though by eating his own image, the Lord Showed that Paramathma can engulf another Paramathma, it can be conquered by Jeevatma easily (ie) the lord is in reach to a man if he tries sincerely.

“Kaya Magizh – Uragapuli – Thola Vazhaku – Oorakinaru – Thirukannankudi”. This is the old saying revolving about this place. Now let us see the explanation of the above Tamil saying.

Kaya Magizh:
As said earlier Maharishi’s who were on penance tied Lord Krishna in a Magizha tree. This tree lives even today behind the temple and it’s being said that this tree would never die. Also, Utsavar Dhamodara Narayanan lies as though tied to the tree with a rope. Kaya means never to die. So this explains Kaya Magizh.

Namalwar was in Athma Samathi state without sleeping under a Tamarind tree. Thirumangai Alwar after completing the compound wall of Sri Rangam asked Namalwar to perform Thiruvaimozhi Utsavam. In a way, Dhamodhara Perumal helped Thirumangai Alwar to complete his job and can seek Namalwar for his discourse regd. Thiruvaimozhi. Here the term Uranga puli refers to Namalwar.

Thirumangai Alwar wanted to construct a compound wall to SriRangam temple. But money shortage occurred and to avoid that he started to steal.

Of course, when he came to Nagapattinam, he found a golden statue of Lord Budha there and tried to steal it. But a wheel was rotating above the Budha idol and connectin’s to the wheel was in the statue. So without stopping the wheel it was impossible to rob the idol. So, Thirumangai Mannan went across the sea to find the person who made this arrangement. He found him and learned the technique to stop the wheel at returned back in a ship which contained betelnut. After getting off the ship, Alwar filed a suit at the local court and won half the sacks of beetelnuts contained in the ship.

After that by inserting a banana tree bark, he stopped the wheel and stole the golden idol. But the monks saw him and started to chase him. He did the idol at Thirukannankudi near a bush and later took it to Srirangam. When the monks asked to return the idol he said that after two days he would return the idol up to the little finger and gave them just that finger alone monks filed a case and due to his clever wordings, Thirumangai Alwar came out with this case too.

As he got the victory in both the cases, the cases were called “Thola Vazhaku” (ie) case without defeat.

Vaanamaamalai kshetram has been Mangalasaasanamed by Nammalwar. In this particular kshetram there’s a well that contains no water but oil. This oil has medical values and when taken cures many diseases. As devotion would cure Athma’s disease the oil of this well cures bodily included in the saying.

As Dhamodhara Perumal guarded the golded idol of Buddha, Thirumangai Alwar was able to finish the wall and invite Nammalwar for discourse. So Thirukannankudi has played an indirect role in the above aspects and thus the saying is explained.

At Kannankudi, Lord Shows him off as Purijaganatha purushotama Loga naayakan and Dhamodhara Narayanan. Loga Naayagan means the king of the world. So here he poses as king and as Dhamodharan Narayana he tells that even king of the world isn't powerful before pure and love and devotion.

Hence this place remainds Thirukannankudi, Thirupullam boothamkudi, Ayodhya, Puri, SriRangam, Alwar thirunagari and Vaanamaamalai.

Details of Prathyaksham:
Brighu Maharishi is the son of Bhrama. In this way, he is a grandson to the Lord god.

The same Brighu Maharishi was born as Hemarishi and gave his daughter Komalavalli to god as his wife. In this way, he is father-in-law to the god.

So, for this Brighu and his father Bhrama. Lord Dhamodharan showed his true self.

Uparisaravasu, was the king of Sethi Kingdom. He was very disciplined and lived one man – one wife life. Due to his good conduct, he got pushpaka vimana from Lord Indra and was able to fly in it in the sky. Throughout his life, he was staunch in his one-man – one wife belief.

On the other side, Gowthama Maharishi spelled his wife for her bad conduct.

Thus for both these good persons, Dhamodhara Perumal gave special darshan.

To refrain us from the wrong path, the pushkarani is named after the evil demon Raavana.

The above two things show that good and evil never goes unnoticed by god.

On every Masi Magam, the lord god of this place goes to the seashore and blesses all his devotees there.

Sthala Viruksham – Magizha Maram (Vagulam).

The Moolavar of this kshetram is Sri Loganathan. Also named as Shayamala Meni Perumal. The Moolavar is giving his seva in the standing posture facing east. Prathyaksham for Bhrigu Maharishi, Brahma devan, Uparisaravasu, Gowtha Marishi, Thirumangai Alwar.

The Thayaar found in this sthalam is Sri Loganaayaki. The Utsavar Thayaar is Sri Aravinda valli.

The Utsavar of this sthalam is Damodhara Narayanan.

Thirumangaialwar – 10 Paasurams.
Total – 10 Paasurams.

Raavana pushkarani.

Utpala Vimaanam.