About the Temple:
The Thaayar of this divyadesam is Periya Pirattiyaar.
Thaayaar - Peria Piraatiaar.
Theertham - Virajaa river, Ayiramadha Pushkarini.
Perialwar - 190, 277, 399, 472
Aandaal - 482
Thirumazhisaialwar - 796, 2476
Thirupaanalwar - 927
Thirumangaialwar - 2042
Poigaialwar - 2149, 2158
Peyalwar - 2342
Nammalwar - 2543, 2545, 2552, 2652, 2867, 3000, 3040, 3431, 3465, 3585, 3627, 3740, 3747, 3755-3765.
Total of 36 Paasurams
Viraja Theertham.
Ayiramatha Theertham
Ananthaga Vimaanam.
This Divyadesam is said to be the place where all the Aathmas finally get the Mukthi. To this divyadesam also, we can't enter along with our body, but only our Aathmas can enter. This divyadesam does not exist on Earth. Paramapadham means all the Jeeva Athmas that attain and mingle along with Paramathma and their by attaining Mukthi (Salvation).
Explanation of Paramapadham:
This Paramapadham divyadesam is also called Vaikundam, Thirunadu, Perumilam, Vinnagam, Naranan Ulagu etc. After crossing the good and evil, one can attain this Divyadesa perumal. (ie) Our Jeevathmas will be surrounded by lots of good and as well as evil (or) sinful aspects. By crossing these, we can attain the Paramathma only if we perform lots of good aspects in our life.
In Paramapadham, all the times are the same, there is no morning, evening and night and if one attains Paramapadham, he will not feel hungry (or) rather than to sleep.
Our human body is made up of five elements known as Panja Bhootham, (i.e.). After death, our soul known as Aathma leaves out from the body to attain salvation known as Mukthi. This Aathma that comes out from the body is referred to as “Nithya Soorigal”. They could not be destroyed by any earthquakes, typhoons (or) Pralayam.
Emperumaan is along with Lakshmi piratti and Bhoomi piratti is bearing all the Aathmas, which finally merges into the divine foot of Sriman Narayanan along with NeeLa devi, to help the Supreme Lord God.
Periya pirattiyaar is of the qualities of Thiruvarul of the Emperumaan. Bhoomi piratti is the amsam of Joy and help.
So, the perumal along with Periya Piratti, Bhoomi piratti and NeeLa devi piratti are in this Paramapadham divyadesams.
In The Lord God’s views, there are no rich or poor persons, and there is no any racism. But, it came out from ill – thoughts who thought they are rich and superior over the poor persons and likewise the fight between castes came out. But, except Sriman Narayana there is no other thing called as “Superior”.
So hereafter, all should think of one God, irrespective of the caste and creed, but our final aim of every soul should be merging with that of the Divine food of Sriman Narayanan. By saying “Om Namo Narayana”, it is believed that all can reach His Lotus feet known as Thiruvadi.
The Greatness of Lord Paramapadanathan
Lord Paramapada Nathan is the presiding deity of Thiru Paramapadam. He is seated on Adisesha, the giant serpent with 1000 heads, facing South. His consorts Goddess Lakshmi or Sridevi, Bhooma Devi, and Neela Devi, are also with him. The Lord holds the conch and discus in 2 of his hands, while his face exudes the radiance of many Sun rising at the same time, and eyes shine like lotuses in full bloom. Adorned in Peethambaram, the yellow silk cloth and decorated with beautiful jewels, he is ever smiling.
In Thiru Paramapadam Divya Desam, the Lord is staying under the roof Ananthaanga Vimanam, while Viraja river and Ayiramatha Pushkarini remain its sacred water bodies. It is claimed that no one who goes to Paramapadam ever returns, and that is why it is called ‘Meela Ulagam.’ It is also said that the Lord himself will take those who worship all the 106 Divya Desams on earth to Paramapadam, make it their permanent residence and ensure that they live there joyfully forever.
The pure and holy Jeevathmas, the earthly souls who reach Paramapadam, will be immortals known as Nithya Suris. They will be similar in form to Vishnu himself, keep praying and doing service to him, with immense fulfillment, and will ever be there in eternal bliss.
And it can only be purity in thoughts, words, and action while living in this world, and unflinching devotion and faith in Lord Vishnu, which can lead one to the Lord’s great domain, Thiru Paramapadam.
There are many legends that speak about the grandeur of Thiru Paramapadam. This is said to be located beyond Satya Loka, the abode of Brahma at a distance, even beyond our comprehension. Some Vaishnava traditions place this somewhere in Makara Rasi, the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Paramapadam is also said to be rich in vegetation replete with sweet-smelling flowers and wonderful fruits, filling the atmosphere with a fine aroma. The place is also pure and radiant, is vibrant with positive energy, and is filled with a divine aura. The residents are divine souls free of any malice and remain as purity incarnates, and stay in bliss meditating on Lord Vishnu. Jaya and Vijaya are said to be guarding this place.
This Paramapadham divyadesam also doesn’t exist on this earth.
The Moolavar of this Vinnulaga divyadesam is Sri Paramapada Nadhan. He is found in sitting posture (Veetrirundha thirukkolam) on Serpent (Aadhiseshan) facing South direction, which is said to be the direction of Yama Dharma – The Death God. Pratyaksham for Aadhisesha, Garuda, Vishwaksena, Vishvakseniyar, Nithyasoorisl and Jeevathmas.
The Thaayar of this divyadesam is Periya Pirattiyaar.
Thaayaar - Peria Piraatiaar.
Theertham - Virajaa river, Ayiramadha Pushkarini.
Perialwar - 190, 277, 399, 472
Aandaal - 482
Thirumazhisaialwar - 796, 2476
Thirupaanalwar - 927
Thirumangaialwar - 2042
Poigaialwar - 2149, 2158
Peyalwar - 2342
Nammalwar - 2543, 2545, 2552, 2652, 2867, 3000, 3040, 3431, 3465, 3585, 3627, 3740, 3747, 3755-3765.
Total of 36 Paasurams
Viraja Theertham.
Ayiramatha Theertham
Ananthaga Vimaanam.